
The best answer to Branson’s reduced show attendance?

Last week’s column stated what the Ole Seagull believes is a simple truth necessary to the economic success of just about every Branson show. That was, “The ‘Best Ticket’ a Branson show can sell is one netting the show as close to the box office price as possible, that is sold to the ticket purchaser prior to their arrival in Branson.” In recent years selling enough tickets, “Best Ticket” or otherwise, to keep from losing money has been a continuing challenge for all, but Branson’s most popular shows. A challenge that surely must have some of them asking themselves, “Is it worth the effort to keep on in the hopes that things will change?” …

The best answer to Branson’s reduced show attendance? Read More »

It’s about a process and future of Branson shows not “the button”

First a suggested solution: Give the individual Branson show the option of having the link from the Branson Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce & CVB “Buy Now Button,” (BNB), for THEIR show listing on the “ (EBC) show page,” go directly to a page on the shows web site where tickets can be directly purchased OR, in the alternative, to a page of another web site, of their choice, from which their tickets can be directly purchased. i.e. The BNB for the “Bad Button Jamboree Show” could link directly to the page on the Button Jamboree Show web site where they directly sell their tickets to THEIR show or directly to a page on another website of their choice, from which tickets to their show can be purchased. …

It’s about a process and future of Branson shows not “the button” Read More »

A breakthrough list of “reality” to absolutely help you to know the difference between “Branson Famous” and “Branson Betrayed”

When the Ole Seagull saw the first episode of “Branson Famous” on “Tru-TV” he instantaneously hated what he was seeing. He had simultaneous feelings of disgust and anger that any show in Branson, let alone one with the proud tradition that the Baldknobbers and Mabe family had enjoyed, would be so self-centered and insensitive as to arbitrarily use or permit the name “Branson” to be used on national TV, in lieu of their “own,” in an apparent attempt to save themselves from the situation in which they had placed themselves. …

A breakthrough list of “reality” to absolutely help you to know the difference between “Branson Famous” and “Branson Betrayed” Read More »