
“Outlook for Branson shows bright if we all work together”

As regards the Ole Seagull’s column on Sunday, we are very grateful to receive the corrected viewpoint of Jerry Henry. We hold him and his work in high regard. The problem that we see is that Jerry is a statistician who does a fantastic job of analyzing correlations, but correlations do not indicate causation. Other forces can be at play at the same time. …

“Outlook for Branson shows bright if we all work together” Read More »

Is Branson’s $480,000 CVB payment a SmackDown of shows or their marketing reality?

After ignoring repeated requests by The Branson League of Theatre Owners & Show Producers (League) for the grant of some independent marketing funds and the formation of a “Blue Ribbon Task Force” to look into the way Branson is being marketed by the Branson Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce and CVB (CVB), the Branson Board of Aldermen awarded more than $480,000 to the CVB for use in their marketing of Branson. Depending on one’s viewpoint, some might call it a SmackDown of the Leagues efforts, but to an Ole Seagull the payment is not only consistent with, but a strong endorsement by the Board, of the CVB’s marketing plan that has been in place for over three years. …

Is Branson’s $480,000 CVB payment a SmackDown of shows or their marketing reality? Read More »

Don’t Branson’s shows deserve a significant marketing voice in their destiny?

An Ole Seagull just has to believe that The Branson League of Theatre Owners & Show Producers” (the League) would answer that with a resounding, “Yes!” The League has requested the establishment of a Blue-Ribbon Task Force by the Branson Board of Aldermen, (the Board) repeatedly, both privately and during its public meetings. The basis of the request appears to be the Leagues dissatisfaction with not only the way that Branson shows and Ozark Mountain Christmas are being marketed, but that its feeling that the shows have very little say regarding that marketing. …

Don’t Branson’s shows deserve a significant marketing voice in their destiny? Read More »

Is the “Best Ticket” a Branson show can sell becoming, but a fading dream?

An Ole Seagull just has to believe that, in all too many cases the answer is “Yes, but it gets worse.” First, the answer depends on one’s definition of “the Best Ticket.” As used in this column the Ole Seagull would define the “Best Ticket a Branson Show Can Sell (Best Ticket),” as, “a ticket netting the show as close to the box office price as possible and sold to the ticket purchaser prior to their arrival in Branson.” …

Is the “Best Ticket” a Branson show can sell becoming, but a fading dream? Read More »

Ever wondered what side of the Conservative/Republican or Liberal/Democratic Fence you sit on?

Received this in my email this morning [Jan. 25, 2016] with no copy right or other certification that Jeff Foxworthy actually wrote or said these words. It’s forwarded on because, based on 75 years of living in America, an Ole Seagull believes that, in its majority, it express a truism that has forever changed America into something he doesn’t even recognize anymore. Although it’s in terms of “Republican” or “Democrat” he believes that the terms “Conservative” or “Liberal” could be interchanged with them.

“Republican or Democratic

The Fence Test… straight forward thinking.. by Jeff Foxworthy…

If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test! …

Ever wondered what side of the Conservative/Republican or Liberal/Democratic Fence you sit on? Read More »

It’s about a process and future of Branson shows not “the button”

First a suggested solution: Give the individual Branson show the option of having the link from the Branson Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce & CVB “Buy Now Button,” (BNB), for THEIR show listing on the “ExploreBranson.com (EBC) show page,” go directly to a page on the shows web site where tickets can be directly purchased OR, in the alternative, to a page of another web site, of their choice, from which their tickets can be directly purchased. i.e. The BNB for the “Bad Button Jamboree Show” could link directly to the page on the Button Jamboree Show web site where they directly sell their tickets to THEIR show or directly to a page on another website of their choice, from which tickets to their show can be purchased. …

It’s about a process and future of Branson shows not “the button” Read More »

Apologize for a successful $15.5 million campaign based on this logic?

Bill Skains, who sat on the Tourism Community Enhancement District Board (TCED) of Directors, the organization responsible for marketing Branson, for a of number years has been very “vocal” in his opposition to the CVB’s participation in the Virgin Group’s “Branson to Branson” online event, which, according to many of our areas leading marketing experts, was an overwhelming success. Early on Skains emailed the TCED complaining about it and, most recently, expressed his opinion on the front page of the April 10 edition of the Branson Tri-Lakes News in an article entitled, “Not all grinning at prank.”

It’s not Skains opinions, but the logic and rationale that those opinions appear to be based on that amazes an Ole Seagull. Incredulously, in his original email to the TCED he said, “I am thinking that somewhere or some time we need to apologize to the taxpayers if anyone was offended…” …

Apologize for a successful $15.5 million campaign based on this logic? Read More »

No April Fool’s joke – Virgin “Branson to Branson” marketing event is positively priceless!

This week, in an Ole Seagull’s opinion, Branson, in cooperation with the Virgin Group media team, “hit it out of the park” with one of the greatest social media marketing coups in Branson’s marketing history. Their #BransonToBranson April Fool’s online/social media event was a fresh “out of the box” marketing effort, coordinated with the very type of company that most communities would give their “eye teeth” to work with. He believes that it will not only favorably impact Branson tourism, but potential economic development along with the jobs and other community benefits inherent to such development. …

No April Fool’s joke – Virgin “Branson to Branson” marketing event is positively priceless! Read More »

What does the “Cast of Branson Famous,” the Terry Award’s “Best Show of the Year for 2014” and the “TCED Board” have in common?

Drum roll please as we give the answer, which is, “They are all living proof of James Joyce’s statement, ‘The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts.'” Although, to an Ole Seagull, in the case of these three, their actions could equally be interpreted as their “lack of thought.” …

What does the “Cast of Branson Famous,” the Terry Award’s “Best Show of the Year for 2014” and the “TCED Board” have in common? Read More »

TCED involves state senator Phillips in Branson’s $525 million dollar scandal?

“Darn Seagull, isn’t the involvement of a state senator in a ‘scandal’ a little harsh for a Sunday morning piece?” “Perhaps so, but what else can you call what’s happening?” In an Ole Seagull’s opinion, using whatever definition of “involved” one wants to, Senator Don Phillips’ submission of what the Ole Seagull believes is a deceptive application to the Missouri Attorney General for an opinion on the Tourism Community Enhancement District’s (TCED) scandalous diversion of millions of marketing dollars to pay on Branson TIFs certainly involves Phillips in the board’s consistent policy of doing whatever is necessary to avoid litigation and drag things out to keep paying the Branson TIFs as long as possible. …

TCED involves state senator Phillips in Branson’s $525 million dollar scandal? Read More »